
Monday, October 14, 2013

Leaf Elf Hat

Confession time...I'm a sucker for elf and fairy costumes....I know shocking, right?  So, when the children were too young to protest what I wanted them to be for Halloween, I dressed them as elves and fairies.  Part of my son's Leaf Elf costume was the Leaf Hat.   I managed to talk my daughter into a fairy costume this year, and have revived the Leaf Hat.  But before we move on to the current hat, just one more picture of the cutest little elf and fairy....I can't help myself....

elf costume

Moving ahead 6 Halloweens....

elf hat
Yep, still a sucker for kids dressed as elves and fairies.  I graded the Leaf Hat Pattern and now have it in the shop!  The original Leaf Hat got tons of play time, my son used it not only when he pretended he was elf, but also for Robin Hood and Peter Pan.  I'm sure the new one will be loved as well.  

Robin Hood Hat

fairy costume

elf costume

Now to finish the rest of her Halloween costume!

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Green Man

Green Man Mask

This Summer when we were in Croatia there were several buildings with Green Man Heads decorating different buildings, like this one....

Which made me think of my husband's Green Man costume I made 9 years ago!  The wheels were was time for a new improved Green Man mask!

The original Green Man...with a little leaf elf

Freshly inspired, I set to work on the new improved version....

Green Man
The Green Man

As it turns out, the mask looks great in fall colors, too!

fall leaf mask
Fall Leaf Mask
The Leaf Mask / Green Man Mask is now available in the shop!

Sweet Strawberry

Strawberry Hat

The Strawberry Hat PDF Pattern has arrived in the shop just in time for my Southern Hemisphere friends to enjoy as a sun hat, or my Northern Hemisphere friends to enjoy as part of a strawberry Halloween costume! OK, not exactly the timing I originally planned, but hey, sometimes you just have to make it work, right?  My daughter enjoyed this hat at the beach this summer, but some how between designing a new product and finishing a pattern a whole lot of life happens!  There is actually a dress designed to go with the hat, you can scroll down to the last picture and have a sneak peek of the dress.

Strawberry Hat Pattern

strawberry costume

strawberry dress