
Saturday, February 26, 2011

and now for something completely different...

The  ol' sewing machine has had a bit of a break for the last couple of weeks, but the monitor and mouse have been taking up the slack.  I have been busy doing some collaborating with my husband, John (and one other project that is almost ready to be revealed....focus...focus....).  I have been using Photoshop CS to color black line work for several years now.  This is an example of my "usual" work.  It is from an alphabet series that I have been working on for over a year now...more about that another day...

John and I have been discussing the possibilities of collaborating artwork for some time now.   His current focus has been making artwork for the Old School Gaming Community ....dragons, demons, monsters, and the likes.  So far the overwhelming majority of John's work has been in black and white.   Over a year ago he did some kid friendly monsters that I just adore.  The original collaboration idea was that I would color the monsters.  Well... I still haven't gotten around to that....BUT....He did another piece a few months ago that I thought was some of his best work. One day while putting off doing household chores I decided I would color it, just to see how it would go, and surprise him with it if things worked out well.  We were both pleased with what turned out to be our first collaboration.
"Iron League Salamander"
The Black and White version of the Iron League Salamander will be in Weird Adventures by Trey Causey.  
 I think John has really progressed in his artistic style over the years and I really like the work he has been producing.  However, in doing color work for another artist you get to know someone else's work intimately....the way they use line and light and shadow, their choices in composition.  It truly is a whole new experience, and a whole new level of appreciation. Let's face it, left to my own devices I would, with almost certainly, never have the opportunity to color attacking bears or smokin' hot iron salamanders ...and I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

This will be on the front cover of the latest Advanced Adventures by Expeditious Retreat Press.  Check out a picture of the cover on Joe Brownings blog.  


  1. Lovely colours, lovely artwork, Daisey! :D

  2. Wow, I love to see your unique styles side by side! Great work!

  3. Nice work! Vibrant yet tonally appropriate to the pieces.

  4. Many thanks to you all! It was certainly a fun endeavor!

  5. Damn, nice coloring! Love the animal alphabet. I've got Photoshop CS, I just wish I knew how to use it. Seems pretty complicated, especially when I see the massive tutorial books in stores.

  6. Thanks! I think I will post a little Photoshop tutorial. There is a lot to Photoshop, but you don't have to understand EVERYTHING to use it. And fortunately those massive tutorial books are mostly full of pictures :o)
