
Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Crochet Lesson

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, my mom taught me how to crochet.  My mom is the champion of crochet.  She can make a granny square with her eyes closed, she can shell, she can make fancy lacy edges, she can crochet snowflakes…she even made a giant crocheted rug, back in the day.  She taught me how to make a granny square.  I made granny square baby blankets for all my baby dolls.   But, I haven’t crocheted since.  My friend Giovanna crochets like mad woman, she makes hats, scarves, blankets, and the cutest little head bands.  Friday the crocheting stars aligned…my mother is here visiting and Giovanna was here for lunch. Giovanna and I had the great fortune of a crocheted flower lesson from the champion herself.   I took one of my finished flowers, one of my mom's finished flowers, and a button from the Great-Grandma collection and turned it into a barrette for Baby Girl, who was most appreciative and now wants to learn to crochet, especially after the story of how Mommy made baby blankets for her dolls.  I am hoping Giovanna turns out some hats in my size with flowers (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)…but just in case I don’t make the flower hat list I decided to pick up the crochet hook again and have started a hat myself…the crochet fire has been reignited. 

1 comment:

  1. Very cool.

    My Hungarian Gram taught me when I was little, little, little.

    Good stuff.
