
Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

As I say “Good-bye” to Summer and “Welcome!” to Fall, I will miss the flowers until the Spring, but look forward to all the colors that Autumn brings. 
2 days a year when the day time and the night time are in balance, the yin and yang of days.  It serves as a reminder in our struggle for balance that the experience of the extremes makes the comfort of balance an even more pleasurable experience.  Enjoy each change, each stage and ride the preverbal wave that carries all of us through the depths of Winter, the heights of Summer, and through the peaceful balance in between. 
In what I now dub a Creative Compulsive “tradition,” here is a photographic peek into my world from the last week of Summer…. 
In a last minute effort to bloom..
the best of all growth and an amazing seed pod!
the corn fields are full of dried stalks
most of the grapes have been harvested, but a few remain
doors seem appropriate imagery for a seasonal change.... crossing the Autumn threshold.  
riding into fall?...OK.... I just like this picture. 


  1. Beautiful, Daisey! :D

    Happy Autumn Equinox

  2. Thanks! This is what I do instead of my homework ;o) It makes me much happier!

  3. Just lovely. I'd love to take a photo walk together early some morning or near sunset some day soon.

  4. That sounds great, Dana! Love fall picture taking :o)

  5. Great photos, as always. Happy Fall. It's a holiday in my world and I wish you the most fun fall, ever.

  6. I've always liked your pictures, but they keep getting even better. I also really like the scooter by the road. It looks like a Vespa ad from a magazine. It's making me want to go buy a scooter right now and go for a ride through the hills on this beautiful fall day.

  7. Ivy, we had a Fall Feast tonight to celebrate, a day late, but still delicious. Rosa planned the menu: Pumpkin soup, fresh whole wheat bread sticks with Parmesan, fruit salad, chocolate pudding, and because we made ALL that bread dough we had to make some cinnamon rolls too. Yum, Yum, and Yum!

  8. Russell, I would really like a scooter,too, but it just isn't practical for shuffling children to and fro, which is pretty much all the running around I do. BUT, someday!!!
