
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Watercolor Wednesday: Week 2

Tonight was the final class in a 6 week class I was teaching at the Arts Center.  I so thoroughly enjoy the classes!  Tonight we painted flowers.  The painting I am sharing today I worked on over the last week.  My goal this evening was to encourage my students to use color theory in their paintings, specifically using color in the shadows and not just darker shades.  Here are just a few stages of the painting above to help illustrate this idea.  The painting starts out very purple, even though I am fully aware the flower will be yellow in the finished painting. I build many layers over the original layer.  It think it adds interest and depth to the final piece, but perhaps I am bias.  I had a few teachers in my formative years who were very, very pro-color theory.   I was pleased with the final results, and rather excited to paint more insects! 

I would again like to encourage an exchange on the Flickr Group I created, it is open to anyone who wishes to join.  insect  


  1. I think I saw that very same grasshopper today while out picking cherries. Really. No kidding. HIm and a shiny, green beetle with wings!

    1. It could be the same grasshopper, this one was living at the Costozza flower show!

  2. Great job again, Daisey. Nice to see this from you.

    1. Thanks Ivy! John and I were joking that I should start putting tiny monsters in my flower paintings, or perhaps just some very subtle glowing eyes :o)

  3. Yes, yes, yes. That sounds fantastically fun.

    Great idea.
