
Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Advent Calendar(s)

Friday, as we were walking home from school, I mentioned to my daughter that it might be fun to make an origami advent calendar.  That got the wheels turning!  She loved the idea and got to work as soon as we got home.  A couple of weeks ago we learned how to make an origami picture frame.  She modified the picture frame just a bit and began folding....and folding....and folding.  (Have a mentioned Creative Compulsive Disorder often starts in childhood)  

This morning she added a little glitter for good measure, then we filled the clever little pockets, and taped numbers in the center to hold the pockets closed.  She came up with the configuration and I tied them to a stick we found in the woods.  

Voila! 31 sheets of white paper, a little bit of ribbon, and one stick later, we have an advent calendar.  Want to know what's in the pockets? .... You have to wait until December 1st!

So while my daughter and I were busy with the origami advent calendar, the biggest Lego fan in the family was busy making his own advent calendar....

There are 23 little doors and other various parts that flip up and reveal  a Lego guy.  The 24th Lego guy is under Santa's beard!  The Lego street in the foreground...that's where all the Lego guys play, and best of all there are no numbers, you get to open them randomly...except of Santa's beard, that on is for Christmas Eve!  

Let the count downs begin!  

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